government ministers trumpet improvements in the UK economy, they are
undoubtedly out-of-touch with the difficult reality for most households.
headline employment figure may be up, but that is because of big increases in
part-time and self-employment and zero hours contracts. The rate of inflation
may have reduced but, for the last 4 years, most people’s earnings have been
well below inflation, leaving them worse off. There has been a 60% increase in
the number of working households getting housing benefit to help pay the rent.
income working households have been the hardest hit by a combination of wage
freezes, big increases in energy and rent costs – whilst the energy companies
and some landlords have made exceptional profits, and cuts in benefits.
the Governor of the Bank of England is signalling early increases in interest
rates. Undoubtedly, many households have been cushioned from the global
economic crisis by, historically, very low interest rates. Increasing rates
will undoubtedly feed in to mortgage interest rates and, it is estimated, that
this will cause real problems for more than to million home-owners who are just
managing to keep their heads above water at the moment.
this situation, you would think that Cameron and Clegg would want to stop those
falling in to, or in danger of falling in to, debt from being exploited.
However, this is clearly not the case. Parliament is currently debating a
Consumer Rights Bill and opportunities are being missed.
knows that log-book loans make pay-day lending look prudent. Logbook loans are
a form of high cost credit, secured against the value of a motor vehicle. They
are underpinned by ‘bill of sale’ agreements, a type of contract that goes back
to the Victorian era and has no modern day consumer protections.
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) thinks that around 40,000 consumers took out
logbook loans in 2013, typically borrowing £1,000 a time- although some lenders
offer sums of up to £50,000. In 2010, the market was estimated to be in the
region of £38m-40m, when the Office of Fair Trading reported more than 1,000
consumer complaints. These related to the lack of protections available to
people if they fall into arrears, unfair collection practices, the complex and
confusing nature of the language used in the agreements and the excessively
high cost of the loans.
Financial Conduct Authority says
‘…….logbook lenders have borrowers over a barrel’.
Chief Executive of the Citizens Advice Bureaux says
‘The logbook industry is still in the dark ages and has
been getting away with lawless practices. It is absolutely absurd that a firm
should be able to take away someone’s possessions without any due legal
process. High interest rates and lack of affordability checks as well as
threatening practices and phantom charges mean logbook loans are a toxic mix of
the worst parts of payday loans and unruly bailiffs.”
the government not only refuses to abolish logbook loans, it is also voting
against these Bill of Sale agreements having the same protections that apply to
other contracts.
some people in financial difficulty turn to companies which claim to be able to
help them manage their debts. In fact, a staggering 5% of British adults - 2.5
million people - are currently on a debt management plan. But, in many cases,
this can make things worse not better.
debt management plans often prolong customers’ debts or increase them.
Some ‘cowboy’ firms are keeping up to 90% of money consumers give them to repay
their debts as fees for their services rather than using it to help pay off
a debt of £30,000, a client of a typical debt management company would pay
almost £6,000 extra in fees, over and above repayments to creditors. This would
extend the plan by approximately 18 months compared with a Stepchange
organized debt management plan, which is free.
have admitted that there was evidence that the fees, which debt management
companies were charging, were abusive but allow this to continue. The
government is opposing measures which would allow the courts to scrutinise the
fairness of these contracts.
are also opposing an increased levy on payday lenders to pay for the provision
of independent and free debt advice and affordable alternatives like Credit
fail to recognise that many people are waving because they fear they are
drowning. They need a lifebelt rather than to be left to the whims of the